Wakeup Copenhagen
Check-in and reception monitors for hotel
Wakeup Copenhagen is a smart and stylish budget hotel with a unique location in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark. The Wakeup hotels are part of the Arp-Hansen Hotel Group.
AV-Huset has supplied and installed all check-in and reception monitors for the Wakeup Copenhagen hotel in Bernstorffsgade.
For check-in of the hotel guests, we have installed the stylish AH1 touch screens by Arthur Holm. AH1 are manually foldable interactive monitors with adjustable 0-70° tilt for easy check-in of the hotel guests.
In the business center/reception area we have installed the adjustable DynamicReceptionMonitors by Arthur Holm. The reception monitors offer quick motorised adjustment to match individual needs when working at the front desk. All technical interfaces and cables are internal, so the front desk is free of cables etc., creating a cleaner work environment.
All the monitors offer 24/7 operation and an elegant design made of milled aluminium with antiglare protection glass with a stylish black frame.
Learn more about the adjustable reception monitor by Arthur Holm.
Need stylish monitors for your reception area? Call us on +45 55774030 or send an email to info@av-huset.dk.