Care for people and environment
We are conscious of the social responsibility we bear towards a wide range of stakeholders. Thus, we wish to conduct business in a proper and decent way during our interaction with the surrounding community by demonstrating care for people and the environment. We have, therefore, developed a CSR policy, whereby we take into account human rights, social and working conditions as well as the environment at large. See our Corporate Social Responsibility Policies.
You can read more about our environmental actions. Under We Support you can also see, which organizations and associations AV-Huset supports.

Our Commitment to the UN Global Compact
In line with our CSR policy, we joined the UN Global Compact in 2015. This means we are committed, as a company, to adapt our operations and strategies to the ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor rights, environmental principles, and anti-corruption as well as the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The company compiles and submits an annual report to the UN with highlights of the above issues.
See our latest reports (Communication on Progress) to the UN:

UN Global Compact
The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest initiative for corporate social responsibility. The Global Compact initiative provides guidance on how companies can contribute to solving social and environmental challenges of globalization. Approx. 23,000 companies and organizations based in over 167 countries are involved. Learn more about UN Global Compact.
See all our reports on the UN Global Compacts website.
Our Anti-Corruption Principles
AV-Huset is of the opinion that corruption and bribery are incompatible with good business management and harmful to productive activities. As an initiative in our commitment to the UN Global Compact, we have prepared and follow some business principles for countering bribery. They will ensure that our employees behave ethically and with integrity. See our anti-corruption principles.
We are happy to inform that no irregularities have been reported so far. Learn more in our COP reports to the UN – see above.